Valigrunt Performance

Putting the Muscle back into Classic Cars

Building Bumblebee

January 25, 2025

The Chrysler had heaps of rust in the roof. As you can see we removed the vynil and then proceeded to drill out all the rust spots then acid dip the roof. We also had to reweld in pieces that were large enough to fit your hand through and only used lead filling as we did not want any moisture to be stuck under the vynil to promote further rusting. The roof was then placed on by a professional who welded the seams instead of stitching, again to prevent any moisure leaking in under the vynil and becoming stuck. It is now approx 11 years later and still no resurfacing of rust on the roof. Just goes to show that a little extra effort in the prep work goes a long way. The motor was built at approx the same time, we always like to strip right back and check everything just to make sure it is in perfect running order. The running gear naturally followed but unfortunately I have no pics of this. The car was then driven into by a woman pulling out of a car parking spot and not checking to see if traffic was coming. We used this as an excuse to paint the whole car. It came out really well. Unfortunately it was T boned again in 2003 and after lengthy court battles we should be fully compensated by the end of this year and then he will be rebuilt once again, only faster this time.