Valigrunt Performance

Putting the Muscle back into Classic Cars

Classic Car Tales

Each Classic has a story to tell, not just how it was made, but some of the adventures that have been had. These pages are dedicated to those stories as told by a member of the Classic Car/Ride Family.
Taken at Manhattan Hotel

“It was my Dad’s Car and I restored it and surprised him. He’s in his 90’s now.”  I pick him up in it sometimes and take him for a ride, you can see how happy he is when he see’s it and is out in it.  Dad was a shoemaker and when he bought this car was when his business was successful, back then it was a symbol that you had made it.

What is one of your favourite memories in the car?


Taken at John's Rod and Custom Sandown

Can I ask you a question about your car?  


What is it?  

Laughs “It’s a Rambler Royce one of two made and registered in 1976”  Rambler asked Rolls Royce if they could use some of their design and Rolls Royce said only if their name was on the car, therefore the Rambler Royce.

Can you tell me a little about the car?

We drive it, it's a shame to leave it parked in a garage or on show so we drive it and enjoy it.

Asked this lovely couple to pose with their car, "I'm not sure how did they stand in 1923?"

With his car

"That roadtrip with friends in the back in 2011 that was pretty good, that was an adventure."
