Valigrunt Performance

Putting the Muscle back into Classic Cars

Rebuilding the Saturn Motor

March 14, 2025

The Saturn motors in both the Chrysler Galants were not in the best condition and parts were near impossible to source and buy.  Allot of the components of the Saturn motor are water cooled and as a result had rotted out over time. 

The base of the intake manifold was coroded so this was removed, lynnished and a new piece welded into place.  It is common for these motors to rot out on the timing cover so a new water pipe was welded into place, a new Thermostat housing was found and fitted and of course new gaskets throughout the motor.  All of the aluminium was hydroblasted and came up looking like new, the inside of the timing cover was painted in ceramic paint to try and prevent future corrosion and the manifold was ceramic coated in gunmetal grey.  Top this with a fresh coat of black paint and the little Saturn motor looked like new and was ready to go into the freshly painted engine bay.